Create automatic, measurable and contextual team journal posts based on keywords mentioned in PR comments.
Create automatic, measurable and contextual team journal posts based on PR characteristics - size, time taken to merge, number of commits.
Adopt a holistic and reflective approach to team conversations with Team Journal and auto-populated retrospective boards.
Build a great team culture with conversations that focus on joint work and experiences.
Give data its own voice:
Innovate and Reduce Ritualism
Embracing the true spirit of the Agile mindset entails transcending boring ritualism that can hinder progress. Merely adhering to rituals for their own sake can impede a team's growth. Neelix.IO platforms fosters innovation by enhancing the effectiveness of collaborative discussions within teams.
Humour assisted, measurable and contextual reflections aggregated by Neelix.IO empower teams to break through barriers and address challenging conversations constructively.
Core resons for reflective experience sharing is the creationf of a conducive environment for open dialogue and problem-solving. This approach not only promotes transparency and trust but also leads to a more cohesive and effective team dynamic, ultimately driving progress and improvement.
Examples of how Neelix.IO disrupts ritualism:
Get started:
Reflect on What Matters
Create rails for smart transparency in your team by leverage internal humour and capturing reflective data points on specific context.
Configure any context categories that matter to internal team conversations:
Capture measurable posts in Team Journal that speak to a joint team experience and effectiveness of joint output.
Retrospectives Without Ritualism
Boost effectiveness of retrospectives with feedback entries auto-created by Neelix on the basis of team journal posts.
All retrospective events are subject to three key challenges:
Humour assisted data points help authentic conversations that focus on joint experiences.
Team Analytics
Neelix Feedback Platform aggregates measurable real-time feedback and provides insights into Culture, Alignment and many other factors. Neelix uses human-centric approach - insights are built from data points "pushed" on the back of real experiences.
Self-Aware and Teachable Culture
Self-aware teams do significantly better. Revolutionize the approach to culture with organizational and team level self-awareness powered by contextual and measurable Live Pulse feedback model.
Practices Experience Github action uses PR characteristics to generate an automatic Team Journal post.
Additional Commits
Number of commits created after PR was opened and before merged. Can be zero or more.
Days to Merge
Number of days from when PR was opened until it was closed, rounded up to the nearest day. Can be 1 or greater.
Code Changed
Number of new lines plus number of lines deleted in the whole PR. Multiple changes to the same line in separate commits should only be counted once. Can be zero or more.
Create a measurable and contextual Team Journal post:
What you can do:
name: Create Experience for Nice and Fast PR
- closed
SIMPLE_EXP_SUMMARY: 'A nice and fast PR experience...'
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
pull-requests: read
- name: Create Experience for nice and fast PR
uses: neelix-io/practices-experience-action@v1
api-token: ${{ secrets.NEELIX_API_TOKEN }}
consortium-id: ${{ vars.CONSORTIUM_ID }}
commentary: "A nice and fast PR experience"
weight: 1
activity-id: 49
category-ids: 96,95
team-ids: 7164
days-to-merge-limit: 0,1
additional-commits-limit: 0,2
Simple Net Experience Github action uses resolved comments to generate an automatic Team Journal post.
Agreed as a team which keywords or phrases within review comments are worthy of capturing as an experience post.
Each trigger can be associated with a positive or negative experience impact weight.
Create a measurable and contextual Team Journal post:
What you can do:
name: Create Experience Something is Fishy
- closed
SIMPLE_EXP_SUMMARY: 'Something is fishy about this PR...'
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
pull-requests: read
- name: Create Experience - Something is fishy
uses: neelix-io/simple-net-experience-action@v1.0.0
api-token: ${{ secrets.NEELIX_API_TOKEN }}
consortium-id: ${{ vars.CONSORTIUM_ID }}
experience-summary: ${{ env.SIMPLE_EXP_SUMMARY }}
"not quite correct": -1,
"needs improvement": -1,
"will suffer": -2,
"fishy": -1,
"smashed it": 2
activity-id: 49
category-ids: 96,30108
team-ids: 7164
Team Journey - Storytelling
Team Experiences and Moods
Interactive Infographics