Neelix.IO web UI is a modern progressive web application (PWA)
Login into your using Chrome web browser
Click on "Menu" button in the top left corner
Click on "Install on Your Device" button. This will add app icon to your home screen.
Option 3 : Install as App on iPhone
Neelix.IO web UI is a modern progressive web application (PWA)
Login into your using Safari web browser
In Safari menu, choose the Share up-arrow at the bottom of the screen, and select Add to Home Screen. This will add app icon to your home screen.
Option 4 : Install as App on your laptop
Neelix.IO web UI is a modern progressive web application (PWA)
Login into your using Chrome web browser
Click on "Menu" button in the top left corner
Click on "Install on Your Device" button. This will add app icon to your home screen. Alternatively, you can use "install" button from the web address bar.